Activism And Age

Activism And Age

We're bombarded with negative stereotypes of what it means to be an older person in modern society.  The anti-ageing industry is big business and thrives on messages of fear to sell anything from face creams to face lifts!   Thankfully there's a growing counter-culture of activists and influencers who're rewriting the script around ageing.  Paving the way for older generations to  be visible, purposeful, fashionable, we especially admire: BaddieWinkle, an activist and influencer who at 92 years, has over 3 million followers on Instagram: JoAni Johnson, aged 69 years whose hashtags include #greyhairdontcare #disruptfashionules  and the fashionista, Lyn  Slater aka Accidental Icon, who gave up her career as a lecturer, for full time fashion blogging aged 61 years.  So don't be fazed, incorporate your reading glasses into whatever look you're going for because as Bette Davis once said " old age is no place for sissies".
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